Interleaved: A Talmudic Podcast
Join us as we take a deep dive into a topic from the Daf Yomi, the daily page of Talmud, with modern-day Sages of Torah and the world who can draw from their unique expertise to share modern and creative perspectives on the text.
56 episodes
Ketubot No.3: Contractual Relationships
How did the monetary guarantee of the ketubah develop? What light can similar contracts from the Ancient Near East and modern pre-marital financial agreements such as the pre-nup shed on the nature of the ketubah, including the questio...
Season 15
Episode 3

Ketubot No.2: Halakhic Woman
CW// sexual assault/r*peWhat do Talmudic texts about vaginal bleeding and sexual assault tell us about how the rabbis perceived women’s humanity and subjectivity? Is a true gender-egalitarian halakha even possible?This is t...
Season 15
Episode 2

Ketubot No.1: Body Politics
CW// underage sex and sexual assault/r*peWhat is the rabbis' definition of virginity, and why is it so complicated? What does it tell us about their view of feminine subjectivity and sexuality? Dr. Rebecca Kamholz holds a...
Season 15
Episode 1

[REBROADCAST] Pesachim No.8: Seder Up!
Last year around this time we were finishing up Tractate Pesachim — take another dip into our Peseach archive with this episode compilation featuring ideas from Kadesh to NirtzahWe thank our guests,
Season 14
Episode 2

Yevamot No.1: All in the Family
What can levirate marriage teach us about ancient Jewish family structures? Why start Seder Nashim with death? Dvora Weisberg is the Rabbi Aaron D. Panken P...
Season 14
Episode 1

Chagigah No.2: Out of the Orchard
Who really was Elisha ben Avuyah, and why was he a mistake of rabbinic interpretation? How did he become a blank canvas for the Rabbis’ heretical anxieties? Rabbi Dr. Alon Goshen-Gottstein is the founder and director of the
Season 13
Episode 2

Chagigah No.1: Talmudically Accurate Angels
How did ancient Jews relate to angels? Are “Biblically accurate angels” really Biblically accurate?Dr. Mika Ahuvia is an associate professor of Classical Judaism in the
Season 13
Episode 1

Moed Katan No.1: People of the Black Book
CW//brief mentions of sexual abuse and abusers When, why, and how did the rabbis of the Talmud excommunicate people? How did they craft a narrative of powerlessness to invest themselves with more power?Rabbi Dr. Meesh ...
Season 12
Episode 1

Taanit No.2: Tu B'Shvat or Not Tu B’Shvat
How is climate a Divine language? Why should you get to know a tree?Rabbi Shoshana Meira Friedman is a writer, activist, and song-leader in Boston. She serves as the Director of Professional De...
Season 10
Episode 2

Megillah No.2: Layn Change
What does an inclusive Megillah reading sound like? What could the future of layning be? Rabbanit Bracha Jaffe serves as the Associate Rabba at the Hebrew Institute of Riverdale in Bronx...
Season 11
Episode 2

Megillah No.1: The Whole Megillah
Why is the Sages’ exposition of the Book of Esther so imaginative? How do we avoid blurring the lines between Midrashic homilies and what’s actually written in the text?Dr. Eliezer Segal is Professor Emeritus in the Department of Classic...
Season 11
Episode 1

Taanit No.1: Prayin' for the Rain
How did the Sages of the Talmud understand the connection between rain and the Divine? How do talmudic stories impart ethical values? Dr. Jonathan Wyn Schofer is Associate Professor of Religious Studies, with affiliation in the
Season 10
Episode 1

Rosh Hashanah No.3: It's Hadran Time
Hadran Alach Mesekhet Rosh Hashanah! Since the modern period and beyond, the communal creative practice of calendar making, which our Tractate has mainly focused on, has mostly left us — but not entirely. Hear from some of the artists and...
Season 9
Episode 3

Rosh Hashanah No.2: Shofar, So Good
What makes the shofar unique among Biblical instruments? How can a commandment to hear teach us to listen?Dr. Jonathan L. Friedmann is a scholar and practitioner of Jewish music...
Season 9
Episode 2

Rosh Hashanah No.1: Yidden in the Stars
Is there mazal for the people of Israel? How did the Sages relate to the stars? Lorelai Kude has been a practicing, professional astrologer for more than 30 y...
Season 9
Episode 1

Beitzah No.2: Meat Your Maker
What does an ethical Jewish meat company look like on the inside? How can we learn to care about where our food comes from?Naftali Hanau is the CEO and co-founder of Grow & Behold, the Bro...
Season 8
Episode 2

Beitzah No.1: Kol Nidre Reveal
How did the Yom Kippur Machzor come to be? What’s the real story of Kol Nidre and U’Netaneh Tokef?David Stern is the Harry Starr Professor of Classical and Modern Jewish and H...
Season 8
Episode 1

Sukkah No.5: Big Hut Judaism
Hadran Alach Mesekhet Sukkah! We shall return to you Tractate Sukkah! Finish off the tractate with us by hearing about a new, collaborative multimedia commentary on the final chapter, created by the Kreuzberg Kollel of Berlin.Rabbi Jerem...
Season 7
Episode 5

Sukkah No.4: A Song of Water and Fire
What is the Torah of music? How can we express our individuality through song while simultaneously singing together?Joey Weisenberg is the Founder and Director of Hadar’s Ri...
Season 7
Episode 4

Sukkah No.3: Lulav Languages
Why are some Jews using different species for the lulav ritual than those prescribed by the Talmud? How can we be more compassionate towards the land and produce the Sukkot festival celebrates, and better allies to the indigenous peoples who...
Season 7
Episode 3

Sukkah No.2: Equal Protection
Is the housing crisis really that complicated? How can we cultivate compassion within ourselves for our neighbors experiencing homelessness and displacement?Aaron Berc is a community organizer at
Season 7
Episode 2

Sukkah No.1: The Schach’s the Limit
How can limitations inspire creativity? In what ways do the laws of sukkah accommodate differences among communities?Professor Noah Resnick currently teaches and practices in the city of Detroit, Michigan. A partner at
Season 7
Episode 1

Yoma No.7: Day of Eatonement
CW: eating disorders/disordered eating Should a person suffering from or recovering from an eating disorder fast on Yom Kippur? How can we change our own harmful attitudes towards food and our bodies?Temimah Zucker is ...
Season 6
Episode 7