Interleaved: A Talmudic Podcast
Join us as we take a deep dive into a topic from the Daf Yomi, the daily page of Talmud, with modern-day Sages of Torah and the world who can draw from their unique expertise to share modern and creative perspectives on the text.
Podcasting since 2020 • 56 episodes
Interleaved: A Talmudic Podcast
Latest Episodes
Ketubot No.3: Contractual Relationships
How did the monetary guarantee of the ketubah develop? What light can similar contracts from the Ancient Near East and modern pre-marital financial agreements such as the pre-nup shed on the nature of the ketubah, including the questio...
Season 15
Episode 3

Ketubot No.2: Halakhic Woman
CW// sexual assault/r*peWhat do Talmudic texts about vaginal bleeding and sexual assault tell us about how the rabbis perceived women’s humanity and subjectivity? Is a true gender-egalitarian halakha even possible?This is t...
Season 15
Episode 2

Ketubot No.1: Body Politics
CW// underage sex and sexual assault/r*peWhat is the rabbis' definition of virginity, and why is it so complicated? What does it tell us about their view of feminine subjectivity and sexuality? Dr. Rebecca Kamholz holds a...
Season 15
Episode 1